Our mission is to educate and open doors for well qualified students from a limited number of participating US colleges and universities through a relatively short, intensive period of study under the guidance of Oxford tutors to the same standard and in the same manner as matriculated Oxford undergraduates, while providing a high level of support and pastoral care.
Tutorials taken by OPUS students 1992-2022
This is a list of some of the subjects taken by OPUS students in the past; it is not a definitive or prescriptive list and should be treated as an example of the range of options. All academic placements are subject to the availability of tutors.Subjects which are asterisked are difficult to accommodate. If requested they should be backed up with clearly differentiated alternatives. It is always best to select mainstream topics from the subject heads in which Oxford excels: English, History, Philosophy, Experimental Psychology, Politics, and Mathematics.
If you have a specific subject which you wish to pursue you should consider the options available for undergraduate students at the University’s Department Sites at OXFORD COURSES and select from these. Remember to avoid options similar to those asterisked below. ALL placements are subject to the availability of tutors in the specific disciplines requested and this may well vary from term to term.
British Economic Development
Command Economies
Comparative Economic Systems
Corporate Finance **
Development Economics
Economic Statistics
Economics of Development (specify)
Economics of the European Union
Economics of Health Care *
Economics of Industry
Economics of the Monarchy
Free Market Economics
Game Theory Economics **
Industrial & Managerial Economics **
International Finance *
International Economic Relations
International Industrial Organization *
International Macroeconomics
International Trade & Finance
International Trade
International Trade & Macroeconomics
Introductory Econometrics
Managerial Economics **
Monetary Economics
English Literature
Arthurian Literature
Arthurian Literature & Poetry
British and Irish Poetry
British Colonialist Literature *
British Drama (specify period)
British Modernist Literature
British Novel
British Poetry (specify)
British Post-War Drama
C S Lewis *
C17th Lyric Poetry
C17th Religious Writers
C18th & 19th British Novels
C19th & 20th British Poetry
C19th English Fiction
C19th Narrative Fiction
C19th Novel
C20th Autobiography *
C20th British Literature
C20th British Novel
C20th British Poetry
C20th Catholic Writers *
C20th English Novel
C20th Irish Literature
C20th Literature
C20th Novelists
C20th Writing
Canterbury Tales
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
Children’s Literature *
Classic 19th C Novels
Classical Narrative
Contemporary British & Irish Poetry
Contemporary British Drama
Contemporary Fiction
Contemporary & Modernist Fiction
Contemporary British Novel
Contemporary British Poets
Contemporary Literary Theory
Contemporary Novel & Theory
Creative Writing (Poetry)
Creative Writing (Prose)
Crime Fiction *
Critical Theory and its Application
Critical Theory
D H Lawrence *
Dante’s Divine Comedy
E M Forster
Early Milton Poetry & Paradise Lost
Early Modern British Fiction
Eliot & Hardy
Eliot and Yeats
Elizabethan Poetry
English Literature 1640-1850
English Literature 1890-1930
English Novel (specify period, authors)
English Poetry (specify period, authors)
English Renaissance Literature
English Romantic Literature
English Romantic Poetry
Fiction 19th C (specify authors)
Fiction of C S Lewis
George Orwell
James Joyce
James Joyce & Dylan Thomas
Jane Austen
Jane Austen & The Brontes
John Donne
Joyce’s Ulysses
Late 19th C British Drama & Prose
Literary Analysis *
Literary Critical Theory
Literary Theory
Medieval Arthurian Literature
Medieval non-Chaucerian Literature
Modern British Literature
Modern British Novel
Modern British Drama
Modern Novel
Modern Short Story
Modern Irish Drama
Modernism in English Literature
Modernist Fiction
Modernist Novel
Oscar Wilde & Bernard Shaw
Paradise Lost
Play Reading & Creative Writing
Poetic Analysis
Poetry Analysis & Creative Writing
Poetry of John Donne
Post 1830 English Literature
Post Colonial Literature in England
Post Modern Theory & Novel
Rebellion & Restoration
in English Literature
Reformation in Europe
Renaissance Literature
Restoration Drama
Rhetoric of 19th & 20th C Fiction *
Shakespeare (specify)
Shakespeare & Characterization
Shakespeare & the Roman World
Shakespeare’s Comedies
Shakespeare’s Last Plays
Shakespeare’s Tragedies
Shaw & Ibsen
Short Story
Short Story Analysis & Writing
Short Story C20th
Sonnet and English Poetry
T S Eliot & Other Poets
Thomas Hardy & Dickens
Time in 20th C Literature
TS Eliot & Related Poets
Victorian Fiction
Victorian Literature
Virginia Woolf
William Wordsworth & Anne Finch
Woolf, Joyce & Lawrence
Experimental Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Animal Behaviour
Behavioural Disorders
Brain and Behaviour
Clinical Psychology * (specify)
Cognitive Neuroscience * (specify)
Cognitive Psychology * (specify)
Developmental Psychology
Educational Psychology
Experimental Analysis (specify)
Gender Differences in Psychology
Gender Issues in the Third World
Human Evolution
Human Information Processing
Immune System
Individual Differences
Perspectives of Childhood
(specify discipline)
Psychiatric Disorders (specify)
Psychological Therapies (specify)
Psychology of Adolescence
Psychology of Adolescence
Psychological Disorders
Psychology of Gender
Psychology of Personality
Social Behaviour
Social Psychology
Social Psychology & Behaviour
Treatment of Psychological Disorder
Environmental Change and Problems *
Environmental Geography *
Environmental Issues *
Geographical Environment
Human & Urban Geography (specify)
Principles of Social Geography
Social Geography
Urban Geography
Ancient Near Eastern History
Anglo-American Relations 1914-60
Anglo-Irish Relations 1880-1922
Anglo-Saxon England
Arthur: Historical Background
Arthur: Medieval to Modern
Britain & America in the 18th C *
Britain & the Cold War
British Empire 1800-1947
British History 400-1330
British History 1850-1940
British History 1900-1950
British History Since 1870
British Imperial History (specify)
British Imperialism & Decolonization
British Imperialism (specify)
British India to Independence
British Political History (specify)
British Political History Since 1945
British Post-War History
British View of WW ll
C18th Culture & Society
C18th English History
C18th & 19th British Social History
C19th British India
C19th French Social History
C19th Socialist & Radical Thought
C19th & 20th British Political History
C20th Social Change in Britian
C20th British History
C20th European History
Colonialism & Nationalism in India
Church Govt & Society C16th England
Culture & Society in 18th C England
Early Modern British History
Early Modern Women’s History * Eastern Europe Since 1945
Edwardian History
Elizabethan History
English Civil War & Background
English History 1066-1275
European History 1500-1900
European History Post 1945
French History & Politics 1870-1914
French History 1789-1848
French Revolution
History of East Europe 1945-Present
History of World War 2
Hitler & Fascism
International History 1882-1939
Interwar Fascism
Irish History 1880-1922
Late 19th C Japan **
Modern European Politics & History
Modern History (specify)
Modern British Social History
Mussolini & Italian Fascism
Origins of Industrial Revolution
Post 1945 Britain
Post 1945 State Welfare in the UK
Social Class in Britain
The Crusades
Third Reich
Thirty Years’ War
Tudor History
Tudor & Early Stuart England
Tudor & Stuart History
Tudor & Stuart Social History
Victorian & Edwardian History
Victorian Britain
Victorian British Women’s History
Victorian Social History
Wales in Tudor England
War, Peace & Social Change in Britain (specify period)
Wars Since 1945 *
Women’s History (specify)
Women in 16th C England
Women in the Middle Ages
World War I
World War II
WW II & Anglo – American Relations
International Relations
African Politics (specify countries or area)*
Arab – Israeli Relations *
Britain & the European Union (specify discipline: politics or economics)
Cold War Diplomacy
East European Politics & Economics
East West Relations Since 1945
Eclipse of GB as a World Power
Economic History of Europe 1918-39
Economics of Eastern Europe
Economics of the European Union
European Union
European Union Law
Europe & Economic Integration
European Economic Community
European Integration
European Interwar Thought (specify)
European Modernism
European Monetary Integration
European Reformation
Industrial Relations in the EU
International Relations (specify countries)
International Relations During WW2
International Relations Since 1945
Middle Eastern Politics
Politics of the European Union
Politics & Govt of Israel
Politics of Modern India
Soviet & Post Soviet Politics (specify)
Soviet Union 1917-1991
State in Early Modern Europe
War & Diplomacy in Europe
Warfare in Europe * (specify period)
Warsaw Pact & NATO
Ancient Greek Philosophy
Ancient Logic
British Empiricists
British Political Philosophy (specify)
C17th & 18th Philosophy
C18th Political Theory
C19th German Philosophers
C19th Philosophy
Contemporary Aesthetics
Descartes to Kant
Descartes’ Meditations
Epistemology & Metaphysics
Ethical Theory
Freud, Nietzsche & Existentialism
German Philosophy
Greek Drama & Philosophy
Greek Philosophy
Heiddegger, Sartre & Derrida
History of Philosophy
Jean-Paul Sartre *
Kant and the German Idealists
Locke, Hobbes & Rousseau
Marx & Hegel *
Marxism *
Modern Philosophy (specify)
Moral Philosophy (specify)
Perspectives on Morality
Philosophy of Hegel
Philosophy of Human Nature
Philosophy of Kant
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of Mind & Psychology
Philosophy of Perception
Philosophy of Personal Identity
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Wittgenstein Plato
Plato and Aristotle
Plato’s Republic
Political Philosophy (specify)
Political Theory and Thought
Political Thought C17th & 18th
Post Kantian German Philosophy *
Schopenhauer & Nietzsche
Studies in Logical Theory
Studies in Wittgenstein
British Domestic Politics & WW2
British Foreign Policy Since 1945
British Govt & Politics Since 1880
British Politics & Govt Since 1945
British Politics 1970-1999
Classical Political Theory
Classical Political Thought
Comparative Government
Comparative Labour Economics
Contemporary Political Thought
European Union Politics & Govt
Game Theory of Politics **
History of W Political Thought
Machiavelli – Rousseau
Modern British Government
Modern British Govt & Politics
Political Fiction of Cold War
Political Movements (specify)
Post War Changes in E Europe
Cardio-Vascular Physiology *
Cell Biology * (specify)
Developmental Biology
Genetics & Biology *
Molecular Biology *
Molecular Immunology *
Neurobiology **
Organic Chemistry
Pharmacology (specify)
Probability & Statistics
Proofs in Abstract Mathematics *
Pure & Applied Algebra
Statistical Survey Method
Women’s Literature
British Women Writers (specify period)
C20th Feminist Theory
C20th Women Writers
English Women Writers (specify period)
Feminist & Post Colonial Theory
Feminist Issues (specify)
Feminist Literature
Feminist Theory
Feminist Theory & Criticism
Feminist Theory for the 21st C *
Feminist Thought
Feminist Writers in the UK
Jane Austen & Charlotte Bronte
Medieval Women Writers
Modern Women’s Writing: The Novel
Post Colonial & Feminist Theory*
Readings in British Feminism
Renaissance Women Writers
Shakespeare & Feminist Theory Women in Changing Society
Women in Shakespeare
Women in the Bible
Women Victorian Poets
Women’s Experience in the Novel
Women’s Literature (specify)
Women’s Literature From 1640
Women’s Writing C20th
Other Subjects
Anglo-Saxon Archaeology
British Health Care System *
C19th & 20th German Literature
C19th English Architecture
C19th Russian Literature
Chinese Religion *
Comparative Health Policy *
Comparative Religion
Comparative UK & US Law *
Contemporary SE Asia
Criminology & Deviant Behaviour
Cultural Issues Weimar Germany *
Differential Equations
Early Church
Early Islamic History *
Economics & Theology of the Early Church
Elements of Critical Theory
Ethnomusicology *
European Literature & Cinema *
French Art : Late 19th C *
German Expressionist Painting *
German Language & Linguistics
German Literature Post 1945
Greek Grammar
Greek Intellectual History
Greek: Language & Literature
Henry James *
Hinduism *
History & Architecture of Oxford *
History of Art: Impressionism *
History of Art: Renaissance *
History of Economic Thought (specify)
History of English Language
History of European Community
History of India (specify)
History of Modern China (specify)
History of Modern Economic Ideas (specify)
History of Music (specify)
History of Philosophy (specify)
History of Political Thought
History of the Early Church
History of the Monarchy
History of the Soviet Union
History of the Warsaw Pact & NATO
History of Victorian London
Homer & Greek Mythology
How The Rabbis Read The Bible
Human Ecology
Human Evolution
Images of Jesus
Intellectual History of Feminism
Introduction to Criminology *
Introduction to English Law *
Introduction to Literary Theory
Jurisprudence (specify)
Latin: Language & Literature
Legal Issues in Free Speech
Leonardo Da Vinci *
Linguistics *
Literary Theory & Philosophy
Making of the American
Constitution *
Medieval Archaeology
Medieval Art & Architecture *
Medieval Counterpoint
Medieval English Drama
Medieval Theology
Middle English Language
Modern Chinese Economic History *
Modern Chinese Politics *
Modern Drama
Modern History of Africa*
Modern Islam
Modern Jewish Literature*
Modernist Art *
Music of West Africa *
Mythology (specify)
Mythology and Art History *
Mythology in Literary Texts
Natural Health Care Systems **
Nelson Mandela and S African Politics *
Polish History & Literature
Polish Literature 1918-1990 *
Post Modernism and the Visual Arts
Post Modernism: Theory and Fiction
Post Structuralism
Post Structuralist Theory
Pre- Raphaelite Art *
Pre- Raphaelite Movement *
Public International Law *
Reading in Augustine’s Confessions
Renaissance Art *
Representations of the Holocaust *
Roman Elegy
Russian Literature (specify)
Social Change in Europe 1914-1942
Social Hist & Anthropology of India *
Socialism & Capitalism
Sociology of Health
South Asian Politics *
St Augustine
St Augustine: Theology & Thought
Talmud in Translation
Theology of St Paul
Theories & Problems of Nationalism
Urban Anthropology
Victorian Art & Architecture*
Victorian Design *
Victorian England
War & Culture 1450-1620
Zionist Thought & History