Our mission is to educate and open doors for well qualified students from a limited number of participating US colleges and universities through a relatively short, intensive period of study under the guidance of Oxford tutors to the same standard and in the same manner as matriculated Oxford undergraduates, while providing a high level of support and pastoral care.
Contact Us
The Oxford Programme for Undergraduate Studies
26 Thames Street
Oxford OX1 1TS
Email opus@oxfordprogram.com Phone +44 1865 201810
Programme Director: Mr Deepak Mukhi, MA (Cantab.)
Please use this form only if you are registered at a college or university in the United States. We can only respond to an .edu address.
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If you have a problem submiting this form please email the required details to opus@oxfordprogram.com
We are unable to respond to students who are not registered at an accredited institution of further education in the United States.